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Choosing a point of view and tense for writing

The Writer’s Stance: Point of View and Tense Options Fiction and nonfiction writers often simply fall into a point of view (POV)—the narrator’s stance—on an intuitive whim, adopting either first-person (the I-position), second-person (addressing a ‘you’); or...

Writing Scenes in Fiction and Nonfiction

Scene Writing in Fiction & Nonfiction A scene unfolds in the moment, dropping readers into the thick of a critical interaction or experience. Something important takes place and if there’s dialogue, it reveals characters’ strengths, weaknesses, and goals. There’s...

Tips for organizing research materials

Tips for Organizing Research Material for a Nonfiction Writing Project Nonfiction projects, whether it’s a memoir, an essay about a natural disaster, or a community history, are backed by research. For memoir there are clippings, journals and contemporary accounts....