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Line by Line Editing

You’ve revised that memoir, family history or biography and it’s in a near-finished state, with a well-developed structure, story arc and author point of view. You’re ready for line by line editing.

What You Get

We’ll look at grammar, word choice, scene transitions and help you tighten sentences—plus more—in a thorough assessment.

How Much Will It Cost?

The Scribes’ rate is $2.45 per double-spaced page (300 words). For 50 pages the cost will be $122.50, plus tax. For 200 pages it will be $490, plus tax.

Depending upon your writing expertise, we may be able to combine both substantive and line by line editing into one step. Let’s discuss this option.

What to Submit for Editing

Request our questionnaire and submit four sample pages of your manuscript. Then let’s discuss your project at no charge to see how we can help.